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Programs and Services
All programs and services provided by Project 150 are FREE to Clark County High School Students with valid student ID.
Ready made food is available at all 75 Clark County High Schools and is delivered directly to the High Schools weekly. Ask your counselor/teacher about the Project 150 Resource Room at your high school for more information.
Family Meal Bags (non-perishable pantry items) are available weekdays (excluding holidays) at Project 150's Betty's Boutique from 1:00PM - 6:00PM. Students must have valid student ID to pick up food.
Clothing, Accessories, and School Supplies are available at Betty's Boutique, weekdays (excluding Holidays) from 1:00PM - 6:00PM for high school students with a valid student ID. Students may receive 5 outfits per month, hygiene products, school supplies and additional food. *Due to limited space, we ask that Parents/Guardians kindly wait outside or in their vehicles while the students shop.​​
Special Events (Scholarship Luncheon, Prom Closet, Back to School Shopping, etc.) are posted on the EVENTS tab on this site and on our social media platforms.
Special Request Programs: (Holiday Meals, Caps & Gowns, Etc.) The Holiday Meal Program is available to assist students and their families with a full traditional holiday meal for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. Meal boxes are delivered directly to the high schools. The Cap and Gown program assists graduating seniors with financial support to pay for their Cap/Gown. All special requests must be submitted online through our website. Holiday Meal requests are open in October and Cap & Gown requests open in December. Forms are available under the "Our Program" tab on this site during that timeframe.
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